Shark Researcher & Marine Explorer Ryan Johnson
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About me

Hi, I’m Ryan, also known as the shark guy. My regular stomping grounds are in Southern Africa, New Zealand and the Pacific Islands. Here you will find me exploring, researching and filming my favourite wildlife, both above and below the ocean surface. Whilst I am passionate about all of earth’s animals and wild places, sharks play a special role for me. For over 20 years I researched and filmed great white sharks and continue to be amazed by this species every day that I spend with them.


Enjoy my site, and always feel free to reach out if you are seeking professional services for your wildlife or shark project, or if you just want to connect and say hi.

What I Do

I have over 20 years of experience in this areas of marine science, media production and underwater exploration. I specialise in partnering with like-minded companies and individuals to realise important academic, media and conservation projects.

Scientific Research

Fully qualified and published marine scientist. Can readily offer expert consultancy services for academic and media projects.

Production Services

Making shark & wildlife films is a hard slog! Ensuring crews walks away with limbs and sanity intact is even harder. From field producing to fixing I can help you out.

Student Mentoring

I am dedicated to building a new generation of wildlife experts. Join one of my five dedicated experiential learning programs. For wildlife filmmaking to shark research

Onscreen expert / host

Available to be onscreen scientific talent or host documentaries. Am qualified, engaging and 'somewhat' entertaining.

Expedition leader

Do you want to travel, explore and witness the wildest wildlife on the planet.. join my custom expeditions to explore and discover together.

Footage licensing

Between the soft shots and spotty lenses, I have managed to capture a number of inspiring and fascinating broadcast standard clips of the wild world

Glowworm logo (white)

The Gloworm Network is a community-driven online network for natural history media experts and enthusiasts. The community encompasses biologists, filmmakers, photographers, communicators, podcasters, journalists and more. Supercharge your career by Joining Gloworm today.


Partnering and contracting with the world’s top natural history producers and broadcasters.

Inspired by nature

Like many restless wanderers before me, I travel to explore, discover and witness the wonders of our wild world. Today, my regular stomping grounds include Africa, New Zealand and the Pacific islands.